Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Of 360 and bikini babes

Of 360 and bikini babes | Life of A Magic Enthusiast

Thanks to 360 Celsuis Magazine and 360 TV,
and of course Don, I was invited to spend a hot Sunday arvo at the Pool, Nihonkan!
Given the recent scorching hot weather, it'd be nice to have a by the pool side party.
I mean, it just means cute guys, girls in bikini and drinks
ah yeah, drinks=D

It was also a perfect event to try out the recent S3 camera and video function that I got given to=D
Time for a splash sunday with 360 at the pool!
Oh lala, bikini babes

They gave us the stickers and he got a lil creative with the stickers.

You know its a good Sunday arvo when you get to chill out and hang out with the people you hardly get a chance to talk to at events.

Drinks, heaps and heaps and heaps of nachos (3 huge servings to be exact)

Then it's time for bikini models to do their job!
Lil runway featuring the most recent collection=D
The video taken by S3, Make sure you watch it at 1080p because that's how the real video looks like!!
I love the quality!

and then I got a lil too happy with the nachos I completely forgot to take more photos after! SO it's photo stealing time=p
photo credits: Jaz Khai

They had this huge shark floatie that I really wanted to bring home, But I guess my bathtub wouldn't really like the idea of it so  I decided against shark-napping this time.
I did however manage to steal a kiss from it.=D

With Evelyn and Kelly=)

Thanks for driving! ( Yay I get to drink=p)

So urm, where are the bikini babes?
I bet everyone's just waiting for pretty babes in bikinis photo

Absolutely loving the bar in the pool idea, at the Pool, geddit?

Our table of c-o-c-o-nut!

and the guys who were daring enough to jump into the pool half naked. Check out those abs man.

and to end the post with a cute picture of a pretty lady with sharkie(yes i named the shark)!!

Thank you once again for 360 Tv and 360 Celsius Magazine for the invite.
Don't want to miss the next 360 party out?

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